Playing with AWS Services Part II — Hola Shenron!

Felipe Bohorquez
4 min readApr 17, 2020


Note: This is a continuation to my last blog on TTS with AWS implemented on the Yijing Ball Z (YBZ).

Now that with AWS we can read text out-loud, How about we implement AWS.Translate so we can improve our Duolingo listening skills and the let Polly read our translated Yijing text!

If you don’t know how to setup AWS with Vanilla JS, do read the previous blog to get your AWS SDK setup. If any point you get lost, just check this blog’s Repo.


  1. To start, let’s instantiate our AWS.Translate variable so we can use it.
var translate = new AWS.Translate({region: 'us-east-1'});

Your config region is important, so use the one appropriate to your own region configuration.

2) Let’s implement a Bulma modal on our navbar that when clicked will give us the option to translate the text.

<div class="modal">
<div class="modal-background"></div>
<div class="modal-content">
<!-- Read about Bulma CSS to learn how to implement -->
<a style="display: none;"class="readTr">
</a> &nbsp;
<a class="es navbar-item button translate">
<a class="pt navbar-item button translate">
</br><p id="tr-content" style="color: white"></p>
<button class="modal-close"></button>

3) Add someeventListener to our modal so it can be displayed shown. From Bulma documentation we need to add the is-active class to show the modal and remove it once its closed. We also need to make our buttons inside the modal visible.

.addEventListener('click', function(e){
const ptBtn = document.querySelector(".pt") = "block"
const esBtn = document.querySelector(".es") = "block"

.addEventListener('click', function(e){
document.getElementById("tr-content").textContent = "" = "none"

Here’s how our modal is showing and closing at this point.

4) Now that the basic navigation is setup. Let’s implement our text translation, basically I will implement it on the main YBZ content area, so whatever is there will be translated.

  • We’ll be using translateText from AWS.Translate, so read up on documentation to learn more.
  • This implementation traverses the DOM under my main.content and calls translateText on each node that has text.
  • I added the following code under our modal eventListener.
const lang = document.querySelectorAll(".translate")

lang.forEach(function(btn) {
btn.addEventListener("click", function(e){
let target = ""
if (btn.classList.contains("es")) {
target = "es" = "none"
} else {
target = "pt" = "none"

document.querySelector("main.content").childNodes.forEach(node => {
if (typeof node.textContent.trim() === 'string'
&& node.textContent.trim().length > 0) {
let params = {
Text: node.innerText,
SourceLanguageCode: 'auto',
TargetLanguageCode: target

translate.translateText(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
alert("Error calling Amazon Translate. " + err.message);
if (data) {
document.getElementById("tr-content").innerText = data.TranslatedText

5) Phew! Lets now let Polly read our added translation. Should be same implementation as the previous blog.

  • We will be displaying a new button that informs the user they can have the text be read our loud to in the language specified.
  • We will be adding an eventListener on this new button that when clicked depending on the language will set the Polly voice according to the target language and call our doSynthesize function (from last blog entry) with the appropriate language voice.

Below you’ll find the complete implementation with Polly implemented.

let translate = new AWS.Translate({region: AWS.config.region});
var polly = new AWS.Polly();

const pollyBtn = document.querySelector(".readpolly")
const modal = document.querySelector(".modal")
const readTr = document.querySelector(".readTr")

.addEventListener('click', function(e){
const ptBtn = document.querySelector(".pt") = "block"
const esBtn = document.querySelector(".es") = "block"

const lang = document.querySelectorAll(".translate")

lang.forEach(function(btn) {
btn.addEventListener("click", function(e){ = "block"
let target = ""
if (btn.classList.contains("es")) {
target = "es" = "none"
readTr.innerText = "Quiero escuchar a Shenron!"
} else {
target = "pt" = "none"
readTr.innerText = "Quero ouvir a Shenron!"

document.querySelector("main.content").childNodes.forEach(node => {
if (typeof node.textContent.trim() === 'string'
&& node.textContent.trim().length > 0) {
let params = {
Text: node.innerText,
SourceLanguageCode: 'auto',
TargetLanguageCode: target

translate.translateText(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
alert("Error calling Amazon Translate. " + err.message);
if (data) {
document.getElementById("tr-content").innerText = data.TranslatedText

.addEventListener('click', function(e){
document.getElementById("tr-content").textContent = "" = "none"

readTr.addEventListener('click', function(e){
const pollyText = document.getElementById("tr-content").innerText
let thisVoice = "Vitoria"
const lang = document.querySelectorAll(".translate")

lang.forEach(function(btn) {
if ( == 'block' && btn.classList.contains("es")) {
thisVoice = "Penelope"
doSynthesize(pollyText, thisVoice)

// doSynthesize AWS.Polly function from last blog
function doSynthesize(text, voice="Joanna") {
var pollyParams = {
OutputFormat: "mp3",
SampleRate: "8000",
Text: text,
TextType: "text",
VoiceId: voice
polly.synthesizeSpeech(pollyParams, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
alert("Error calling Amazon Polly. " + err.message);
else {
var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(data.AudioStream);
var arrayBuffer = uInt8Array.buffer;
var blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

audioElement = new Audio([url]);;

If all goes smooth we’ll have our YBZ translate text and read out loud such translation!

Go lost? Checkout the Repo.

Originally published at on April 17, 2020.



Felipe Bohorquez
Felipe Bohorquez

Written by Felipe Bohorquez

Social Entrepreneur and Software Engineer

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